Ed's talk: Choosing Your Religion

Friday, August 15, 2008

Choosing Your Religion

I find this idea of a "God gene" preposterous! When I was in my teens, I found I wanted some protection against my early physical impulses which no one bothered to explain to me so I read the proscriptions of my faith against them. It was not until a little later that I found these had no basis in fact and I was putting myself through agony unnecessarily.

Later, when I was 17 and at the Tanglewood Music Center, I found myself walking through Lenox Massachusetts pondering the mystery of the end of life. I was not moved to, subsequently, contemplate the "afterlife" but to only contemplate nothingness and to try to think that, since we all came from there, we would simply return there. This was beyond me and I think it is beyond all of us and may well be one thing explaining the so-called "God Gene".

Basic Judaism never had much of a belief in the afterlife (being taken to "Abraham's Bosom" seemed rather vague to me as it still does.) and the idea of everything occurring in this life seemed manifestly more sensible. The rewards of heaven and the eternal punishments of hell I think are devices of most religions to keep people in line.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost



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