Ed's talk: Jul 2, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Freed Without Bail By Judge

People, consensual sex can result in semen stains! Rape is rightly a crime but there is absolutely no evidence that this was rape! Quite the contrary.

There is plenty of evidence that this was a setup!

Years ago I chaired a grand jury and I can assure you that "moral outrage" got no where with us.

So save yours!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Freed Without Bail By Judge

To those who think that there is still merit in these accusation­s against Strauss-Ka­hn I would ask if you read the article! The case, as far as I'm concerned is indeed over.

A valuable and apparently brilliant man has had his career curtailed by a protracted smear campaign and our DA Mr. Vance has been left with serious egg on his face!

Treating such a man, including the "perp walk", as a common criminal without solid evidence is beyond outrageous and I would question the ability of the DA to do his job in the future.

Case over and, I think, the career of Cyrus Vance Jr. is as well!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost