Ed's talk: Feb 20, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Alice Stewart, Rick Santorum Aide, Explains Offensive Obama Gaffe

These people remind me of the group I saw on the street today. There was a huge sign with a picture of Obama with a little Hitler-mus­tache painted on and "Impeach Obama" to one side in large letters. When I approached I could see this was set up by the La Rouchies.

Lyndon La Rouche (now 89) was a failed perennial presidenti­al candidate till 2004 (though apparently a Democrat or, rather, more of a "demagogue­".).


These are people who are very much like the above and, though I agree with the remark that Ms. Stewart's photo accompanyi­ng the article looked like the Coultergei­st's twin sister, I thought it was Ann herself when I first saw it!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Rick Santorum Poses Risk To Republicans

"Santorum Poses Risk To Republican­s"

...especia­lly if they get any of it on them.

To my surprise, this one made it to HP!

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost