Ed's talk: Oct 25, 2012

Thursday, October 25, 2012

John McCain Pledges To Withdraw Richard Mourdock Support If He Doesn't Apologize

Mr. Mourdock has decided what "God" wants and any apology he might make would only allow his supporters to save their own backsides. Frankly, I don't care whether Mr. McCain or Mr. Romney endorses him or not because their support doesn't matter in the slightest. (After Mr. McCain unleashed "she who must not be named" on an unsuspecting nation, he needs to keep out of this.)

Frankly, if I told you what my "God" wants, I'd be a candidate for the hatch or at least pretty condescending on the subject of women's rights.

These TPe-ers like Mourdock and Akin need to be quiet on the subject of rape altogether as they do themselves no favors by imposing their white-male holier-than-thou opinions on others!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost